Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Meaning Behind the Name

Last Saturday, we moved our momma cows and their babies home from the 'Home Place'. Right about now you are asking yourself, "Aren't they already home if they are at the 'Home Place'?" Well, when you have a family-owned farm that has been passed down for generations you tend to end up with many "landmarks". 
For instance, the 'Clark Place' wasn't named after our Uncle Clark, it was named after a family who lived there with the last name of Clark. The 'Home Place' is were the first generation farmers homesteaded but nobody lives there anymore so when we bring the cows 'home', we are really referring to Uncle Clark's ranch...but not the 'Clark Place'.
I really enjoy listening to all the stories behind the landmarks. Why they were named that way, to learn about the kind of people that lived there, and to hear about recent stories too.