Saturday, August 8, 2015

Quick Trip

My cousin, Sharmon, and I decided to take a quick trip to check on cattle out in pasture. It took longer to drive to the location than we spent on horseback. That's alright was a beautiful hot August day and it gave us more time to chat.

Sharmon's puppy, Ringo, got to join in on the fun too. He thought he was a real cow dog. Well, at least until we got to the cows and then he scurried behind our horses.
Not knowing exactly where the cows would be we continued on down the dirt road and finally spotted the babies having their lunch in the shade of the large pine trees that grow near the creek bottom. Dunner noticed them right away...before I could even see them.
Sharmon and Dixie checked the cattle while her puppy hid behind.
I love taking my little Dunner out to check on cows. This is his element. He loves to be around the cows and trudging through sagebrush. Dunner would rather be out here than loping circles in an arena.
Poor Ringo had to ride shotgun part of the way home so his little legs didn't get too sore.
We also stopped at the next trough to let the horses drink before loading them in the trailer. They must really love the fresh natural water coming from a nearby Spring. The way the horses snort and snort at the water before being brave enough to take a drink will be a memory I won't forget.
Alright Ringo...time to get's time to go home.