Saturday, April 9, 2016

Branding 2016

Seems like just yesterday we were branding calves. Same ole' routine just another year.
Miss B sure has grown in a year...

Nowadays there really isn't a need for a lot of help when branding the calves.
One guy pushing the calves down the alley toward the chute and the "board" guy shuts the plywood door once the calf passes by. There are usually two guys operating the chute and another 3 or 4 that give shots, nose spray and castrate the bulls.
Most of the time you can tell who the "Boss" is...he's the one running the branding iron.
Then there's the rest of the crew AND the next generation learning how it's done.

One of the best parts of growing up in a ranch family is spending most of your time outside getting dirty.

After the first set of calves are branded we take a short break and head up to the ranch to finish the rest.
Spending the day with friends and family is the main reason I love branding calves!  
And it's fun to entertain ourselves by riding the bucking babies.