Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Moving Cattle at the Bromiley Ranch

On this rather warm January day, we used four-wheelers to push the mamma cows to their winter pasture. This is where they will stay until they get closer to calving. With the lack of snow this year, they are able to stay out to pasture longer than usual.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Preg Testing

Working cows on the Bromiley ranch usually means a good time with family and friends and hopefully a speedy work crew. This day we preg-tested the mamma cows. We do this to see if the cow has been bred and is carrying a calf. Cousin Eddy and a friend trade off having to do the dirty work which involves checking for a calf inside the cow. As you will see, there are many jobs when working cattle. Some people are in charge of pushing the cattle up the alley and into the chute, others operate the chute, give shots, and write down the cows' tag number when they come through.